29 Jan 2014

Conference on sustainable development in Leh, 9-10 June

The Initiative for Social Change and Action (ISCA) in collaboration with Government Degree College, Leh, is organizing a seminar on "Ladakh: challenges and opportunities for sustainable socio-economic development" from 9-10  June, 2014.

The organisers have issued a call for papers on the following topics:

·        Opportunities for Jammu & Kashmir, particularly in Ladakh, in the new global and national geo-political context
·        Social, Cultural and Economic dimensions
·        Resources and their management for Sustainable Regional Development
·        Inter and Intra regional disparities and inequalities and their ameliorating   strategies
·        Use of new technological tools and Innovation ( GIS and RS ) towards reducing regional disparities
·        Infrastructure Development for Conflict resolution and geography of peace

For more details see www.isca.org.in/ and http://ladakhconference.wordpress.com/

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