20 Dec 2012

Ladakh Studies - December 2012 newsletter to members

Dear Ladakh Studies Association member, 

Julley, Losar Tashi Delek and seasonal greetings from wintery UK, 

Please see below a short message on behalf of the IALS 
to give you a short update on a handful of association activities inc: 

1) the Ladakh Studies conference at Heidelberg, Germany 17.-20. April 2013
3) Call for volunteer assistance with the Ladakh studies journal: email journal@ladakhstudies.org

4) Call for paper for the next edition of Ladakh Studies Journal: deadline 31st January 2013

5) Did you receive your copy of LS28? If not, please email journal@ladakhstudies.org

6)  Ladakh Stuides Journal no 27 and 28 are now available in PDF format in members’ area of website

7) News from the Ladakh Studies Blog http://ladakhstudies.blogspot.co.uk/

Warm greetings to one and all,
and looking forward to see you in 2013,


Gareth Wall, Membership Secretary and Treasurer, 
International Association for Ladakh Studies

1) The 2013 LADAKH STUDIES CONFERENCE at Heidelberg, Germany is now just six months away, and we are very pleased with the response to the call for papers with over 90 abstracts submitted. Juliane Dame, the conference convener, and her team has done a fantastic job at going through all the submissions and will be getting back to participant applications very soon. For further details, see the conference website: http://www.sai.uni-heidelberg.de/geo/conferences/ladakhstudies/ladakhstudies.html

2) The ELECTION OF IALS OFFICER will also be taking place during the general meeting at the conference, and there is a call for nominations for three officer rolls and four advisory committee rolls. Please send nominations to me in my capacity as Secretary before 18 March 2013. Each nomination should include the assent of the proposed candidate. My e-mail address is secretaryials@gmail.com Further details can be foundhttp://ladakhstudies.blogspot.co.uk/2012/11/election-of-ials-officers.html 

3) In addition to these rolls, we are keen to expand our volunteer base, and are looking at appointing a news editor and book review editor, as well as possibly an editorial board to assist the incoming editor of the Ladkah Studies journal: if you would be interested, please email the editorial team on journal@ladakhstudies.org

4) Call for paper for the next edition of Ladakh Studies Journal deadline 31st January 2013, whilst we are working on the next edition of LS (no 29), we'd like to get one more together for around the conference time. So if you have any fieldnotes, articles, discussion papers or the like that you would like to put forward from your research this last summer, or previously, please email the editorial team on journal@ladakhstudies.org

5) Did you receive your copy of LS28? We are aware that there were problems for a number of members in receiving the last edition of the Ladakh Studies Journal, sent out this summer. We hope all those who contacted us have now received a copy. If anyone else did not receive their hard copy, please email us your current address to journal@ladakhstudies.org Alternatively ...

6) The last two copies of the Ladakh Studies journal (no 27 and 28) are now available in PDF format in the members’ area on the website http://ladakhstudies.org/membersarea. The log in details were emailed to all members. If you are a member and have not received this, please contact our membership secretary, Gareth Wall on wallgareth@gmail.com  
All previous edition of the journal are available without logging in in the downloads section of the website http://www.ladakhstudies.org/resources/downloads.html

7) News from the IALS blog : http://ladakhstudies.blogspot.co.uk/

a) 18 NOV 2012 Ladakh’s rich Cultural Heritage speaks of our identity: Spalbar Tsewang Rigzin


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