2 Sept 2015

Call for papers for the 4th conference of The Association for Nepal and Himalayan Studies (ANHS) at University of Texas at Austin, Feb 26-28,2016.

The Association for Nepal and Himalayan Studies (ANHS) is pleased to announce that its 4rd annual conference will be held at the University of Texas at Austin, February 26 – 28, 2016. The conference is hosted by the South Asia Institute and convened by Dr. Heather Hindman.

Panel, Roundtable & Paper Proposals
The Organizing Committee invites proposals for panels, roundtables, and individual papers. Interdisciplinary panels that allow discussion are particularly encouraged. If you wish to propose an alternative format, please contact the Convener at hsc4@anhs-himalaya.org.

Complete Panels
Proposals may be submitted for panels themed around a topic, region, film, or significant publication. A single panel will typically have 3-4 slots (to be divided between presenters and discussant – if appropriate), while a double panel would have 7-8 slots (including a discussant). Prospective panel organizers should send a 300-word panel abstract along with the names and affiliations of the proposed panelists to hsc4@anhs-himalaya.orgby September 21, 2015. Panel organizers will be notified by October 1, 2015 whether their proposal has been accepted. If accepted, each individual presenter who has committed to the panel is required to submit a 200-word abstract of his or her paper by September 212015.

Roundtable sessions on a topic of broad interest involving a number of participants and a moderator are welcome. A roundtable is designed as a forum for intensive discussion, usually based on a set of pre- circulated readings or shared interests. Prospective roundtable organizers should send a 300-word abstract along with the names and affiliations of the proposed participants to hsc4@anhs-himalaya.org by September 21, 2015. Roundtable organizers will be notified by October 1, 2015 whether their proposal has been accepted. If accepted, each participant in the roundtable session will be required to register and pay the conference fee.

Individual Papers
Proposals for individual papers are also welcome and will be clustered into panels based on topic by the Organizing Committee. Participants wishing to present an individual paper should send a 200-word abstract,including a paper title, along with their affiliation and a brief CV to hsc4@anhs-himalaya.org by September 21, 2015. Applicants will be notified by October 1, 2015 whether their abstract has been accepted and of the likely theme of the panel in which the paper has been accommodated.

Registration & Costs
Please ensure that your ANHS –––membership is up to date. Membership rates and other details are available on the ANHS website, anhs-himalaya.org. Payment can be made online.
Conference registration rates will soon be finalized. The rates are expected to be in the range of $120, with discounts for currently enrolled students and participants who register early. The registration fee is expected to cover most meals for the duration of the conference.
Registration details and rates will be sent to all participants whose proposals / abstracts are accepted. Payment should be made online at least once month in advance of the conference.
No onsite registration will be available.

Deadline for initial abstracts September 21, 2015
Notification of acceptance Oct. 1, 2015
Deadline for accepted abstracts September 21, 2015
Conference registration opens Nov. 1, 2015
Early Bird registration ends Dec. 15, 2015
Registration closes Jan. 31 2016

Main link: https://hscaustin.wordpress.com/cfp/